Monday 25 November 2013

Art Forms- The Coffee Edit

Art appears everywhere, from the coffee shop in the nearby shopping centre to on the walls of the top museums in the world.

One form of art that we don't appreciate to its full extent is Coffee art.

You may be thinking how easy it must be to do that but some don't care to use stencils instead, turning to doing it freehand, absolutely magnificent.

Coffee art or also known as Latte art is a hot topic so much so that there have been several competitions around the globe showcasing this interesting, unique and creative form of art.
As everything sooner or later expands and branches off into bigger, better clones of itself, coffee art has done just this, starting off as being a simple design shown in the first picture quickly advancing to become merged together with a 3D sculpture placed on top of the coffee. Just like the last photo.
As more and more designs are being thought of and then used in the production line, colours are becoming more of a prominent feature, bright blue's, purple's, green's and pink's are becoming popular and eye catching to customers.
Latte art is a method of preparing coffee created by pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso resulting in a pattern or design on the surface of the latte, it of course can also be hand drawn on to the top layer of foam. Although it isn't confirmed when or who invented this it is thought to be widely popular in the United States as it started in Seattle between the years of the 1980's and 1990's.




If this was of some interest to you and you would like to find out how to make your own latte art make sure you pop back on Thursday for a step by step post!

 Thank you for reading,x


Saturday 23 November 2013

The Underestimated Power Of Art

Something I always find myself saying is to not underestimate the power of art, it's not just as simple as dabbling into a bit of paint then aimlessly painting it on to a canvas or a stick of charcoal blended into the crisp white pages of a sketchbook, it's much more than that.
People sometimes forget that art has been around since the start of human existence, we have used our surroundings as a blank canvas to express ourselves for past years and  years to come, not only does art (most of the time) create a stunning centre piece in your house but it withholds memories, meanings and a whole load of creativeness.
I always wonder why some artists are more known in the 'art world' as such even though they are just as good as each other. I hand on heart think all artists deserve buckets full of praise for the astonishing work they produce day in day out, artists should not be subject to praise for being more unique, famous or richer than the others.
Have you have ever had one of those days where you feel in a creative mood and decide to bring out some watercolour paints and a sketchbook, you hit a wall within two minutes? yeah, we've all been there, believe you me.(let me just put the paints away and save them for a rainy day...) After the experience of hitting a wall you definitely have a lot more respect and praise for what they conjure up and sell for redonkulous amounts of money, but well earned money let's not forget.
I'm a firm believer that without art, society today would be a lot more dull and un- inspiring, everywhere you go, everywhere you walk past withholds some sort of art form, paintings, drawings, photos, sculptures, statues, we don't even realise.
art in any type of form portrays people's day to day lives and the person performing it, it shows us people's emotions and what they are or were thinking, it is important, valid and no doubt about it, beautiful.
it's a way for not only yourself but for all the others around you to get different perspectives on something, it's a way to express visions, lift spirits and for some people, make you feel good and in your happy place.
A big part of art that I love is the 'no rules' aspect, no matter how many colours you use, how much you like it or others like it, it's never wrong. As the quote 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' suggests, all people prefer different things, what may be all they every wanted to one, may be someone's worst nightmare.
You may laugh, cry, smile, hide things, be an open book; you might love it or hate it. It doesn't matter as it all comes down to perception and when talking about art you can feel what you wish about it and have your own opinions.
Art isn't just the typical art we all know we think of when it is mentioned, it appears in some of the simplest forms we all take for granted such as in coffee's, pattern surfaces, tattoo designs, skateboard designs and many more.



 I hope this was of some interest to you, a snippet of my thoughts on art! What do you think about art? be sure to comment, I would love to read all of your thoughts whether good or bad, oh and make sure to watch some of the video, it shows some of the best paintings ever done.
Thank you for reading x